Saturday, August 31, 2013

An Angry Call Center Agent

I've read something on the Internet about effective blogging and one of the things that readers value is brutal, open honesty... so here it goes hahaha!

I am in the middle of my graveyard shift and I am taking my second 15 minute break. It's 2am in the morning and Im feeling kinda sleepy so I've decided to arch my back on my chair and raised my legs on the otherchair to get a 10 minute power nap.

I am about to doze off when somebody tapped me on my shoulders. When I opened my eyes I was startled to see it was one of the OM (Operations Manager), then she told me that it's inappropriate to sleep in production floor because other agents are still taking in calls. She asked me who's my TL (Team Lead) so I pointed our OIC (Officer In Charge) since our TL is not available that time. She talked to our OIC for a brief moment then left.

After a few minutes, our OIC asked me to go on coaching just to tell me what that OM told him. She said that it is prohibited to sleep on stations because we have designated sleeping quarters. She also told our OIC why is he letting an agent "INSULT" him that he was not "RESPECTED" by the agents that he is handling.
Well that really ticked me off. Yes I was sleeping on the production floor and I admit that I was wrong because it is against their policy. But calling me "DISREPECTFUL" is something that I consider below the belt. I don't know how she uses these words to pep talk her subordinates but it is definitely did not boost my morale.
Just so she knows, it is my break and napping doesn't mean that I am slacking but instead napping restore alertness, enhance performance, and reduce mistakes and accidents. A study at NASA on sleepy military pilots and astronauts found that a 40-minute nap improved performance by 34% and alertness 100%. Napping has psychological benefits.  It can provide an easy way to get some relaxation and rejuvenation.
I don't know how she got the OM position but I pretty sure that she has a lot of areas for improvements including her attitude. It is not "DISRESPECTFUL" if you close your eyes for a second to catch a little sleep. If that is "DISRESPECTFUL" then what do you call an agent that are always absent, tardy, and not meeting the target metrics? I am staying with this company for more than 5 years and I think I lasted that long because of my hardwork, dedication, and love in what I am doing. I will not certainly be affected by this demoralizing act of power tripping but then again continuous exposure to this toxic environment would mean otherwise.

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